The future of Smol Joes is finally here, and it can be summed up by a single word — Expansion.
Yes. We are officially announcing that Smol Joes will soon become a larger collection. Now this may come as a surprise to many of you and rightfully so. Smol Joes was THE original “smol” collection of Avalanche. A smol free-mint which took our fledgling NFT ecosystem by storm back in the summer of 2022. This exclusive collection contains the 100 most sought-after NFT’s on our blockchain… yet soon we will be introducing more. So I’ll ask the question, you’re likely dying to ask yourself…
At its core, it had became apparent to us that in order to build this brand, it was time for us to reach beyond the confines of a 100 piece collection. The original quantity was simply too small for us to grow and expand the community.
Second to this, we realized that we were struggling to find a way to reconcile collections with different identities under a single brand. Creeps and Joes simply don’t mesh well. In reality, most people want to be a Smol Joe, while very few want to embody the Creep.
So in order to solve the barriers of size and focus which have been holding us back, we have decided to consolidate under one collection — Smol Joes.
In rather poetic fashion, this also allows creep-lovers to live out their lifelong dream of getting rugged by the Creep…with an exciting twist of course. More on this later.
To sum up, I’d like to reference something from the earliest days of Smol Joes. Soon after the original mint the community adopted a phrase that is now synonymous with Smol Joes — “We must gather for the mission.”
That mission has always been to build Smol Joes into a premier PFP NFT brand that will become well-known across the crypto world.
It is finally time to for us to take on this mission properly, and this expansion is the next big step towards achieving that goal. Much building is still ahead, so join us.
The time has finally come. We must gather for the mission…
The Expansion will bring three types of Smol Joes to the collection — The Originals, the Luminaries, and the Smols.
All of the new Smol Joes that will enter the collection are split into ten brotherhoods, each with a distinct theme. Each brotherhood will have 10 base characters.
Unique creeps will be burnt into Luminaries, unique Smol Joes that will be the highest ranking Joes within each particular brotherhood. These are the base characters for each brotherhood. Although a level below the Originals, these 100 new characters will also play a marked role in the future of Smol Joes.
All subsequent Joes that will be introduced to the collection will be considered Smols. These will be accessed by burning generative creeps. Each Smol will be assigned a brotherhood, and will become a member of that group headed by the 10 Luminaries of the same theme. The Smols’ traits will be randomly assigned based on the 10 base characters of that brotherhood.
The Originals belong to a class of their own and are not restricted to a particular brotherhood. These are the 100. Only 100 Originals will be ever be available and these unique Smol Joes can only be claimed by owning a V1 Smol Joe. These Smol Joes will become visually distinctive from the rest of the collection with unique backgrounds giving each an additional layer of character. However more important than the visual distinction, these Originals are significant because of their status within the Smol Joe ecosystem. They sit atop the collection, a special class of Joes which carry a historic precedence of exclusivity. They will remain the most highly-sought after Smol Joes, and holders will retain a unmistakably envious position within Smol Joes V2 and AVAX NFT’s as well.
An important note — we’ve decided to rework some of the Smol Joe V1 characters. They will be receiving new identities in the upgrade. More information on this below.
Now that you have a feel for what the collection will look like, you probably want the details. Now I’m no fortune teller, but I think I can guess many of the biggest questions you’d want answered at this stage. Let’s dive right in.
Expansion Details FAQ
How many Smol Joes will there be in total?
Smol Joes will become an open edition collection, similar to Nouns. Initially there will be ~1200 minted, a number we reach through a combination of upgrading Smol Joes V1 and burning Smol Creeps. Then every month we aim to mint more at a steady inflation rate. The goal is to grow the community whilst not expanding so quickly that we dilute the current holders.
How many Smol Joes will there be after round 1 of expansion?
Approximately ~1200 Smol Joes
100 Originals
100 Luminaries
1001 Smols
How do you get access to round 1 of the expansion?
To join the initial expansion you must own an NFT from The Creep collection. The 100 unique creeps and the 700 generative creeps will be burned to create new Smol Joes.
Are the original Smol Joes getting an upgrade?
Yes. The V1 Joes will also be burned during this upgrade to receive the V2 Smol Joes. The original 100 will all become visually distinctive in V2 with custom backgrounds bringing a new element of character to your NFT.
Additionally as we plan to grow our brand larger, we decided it was necessary to remove some references to other crypto brands. A few other Smol Joes will also be changed to provide a more engaging collection.
The following Originals will be receiving an entirely new identity in the new upgrade:
Smol Doodles Joe
Smol Azuki Joe
Smol Bean Joe
Smol Ok Bear Joe
Smol Cool Cats Joe
Smol Moonbird Joe
Smol Yeti Joe
Smol Cryptofish Joe
Smol Murloc Joe
Smol Ukuzu Joe
Smol Pixelmon Joe
Smol Bridge Joe
Smol Flubber Joe
Smol Green Glow Joe
Smol rJOE Joe
An exciting new Smol Joe awaits all of you. I wonder who shall be crowned Smol [Redacted] Joe… 👑
How will the Creep upgrade work and what do pumpkins do?
To burn your creep into a new Smol Joe, you will be required to pay a mint price corresponding to the quantity of Joes you can create. Mint details will be revealed at a later date.
If you wish to get access to your Smol Joe at the time of V2 launch you must burn a pumpkin. A Beeg Pumpkin is needed for a Unique creep and a Smol Pumpkin is needed for a generative creep.
Without a pumpkin, you must wait a certain amount of weeks before you’ll be able to upgrade to a Joe. At a minimum this will delay your upgrade by 6 weeks. The official time will be announced closer to mint day.
Each bone color of generative creep will receive a different allocation. Additionally, any Smol Pumpkin color can be used with any generative creep. They do not need to match.
Are the creeps getting burnt and will they correspond to traits in the new Joes?
Yes, the creeps are getting fully burnt. They will not correspond to any traits in the new Joe. It will be fully random.
Are Creep Dishonoraries included in the upgrade?
No. Creep Dishonoraries are honorary NFT’s created only to honor the biggest creeps in our industry. They are not part of the actual creep collection.
Future of the Collection FAQ
Is this a dilution of the original Smol Joes? How will the OG Smol Joes remain valuable?
The OG Smol Joes will remain the rarest and will command the highest-status in Smol Joes V2. We believe they will be able to hold their value. As we expand the community and brand of Smol Joes, we expect the Original Joes to become more visible to a wider audience. In the long-run this is a more sustainable outlook for the brand at all levels.
What is the new Smol Joes roadmap and will there be utility?
Our main goal is to make Smol Joes culturally relevant. As we mentioned earlier, Smol Joes aims to become a top-tier NFT collection that is known across the entire space. Joe Studios has a long-term outlook on all of our projects, and we can promise that overtime we will continue to create cool things that are worthwhile for the community.
Will there be a revamp in the Smol Joes storyline?
What is Smol Lands going to be used for?
We have not forgotten about Smol Lands. Our current focus is on the consolidation of Creep and Joe collection, but we WILL incorporate Smol Lands once V2 is launched. For now it remains the “most degen NFT play on Avalanche” as many in the community like to say.
Will Smol Trinkets be involved in the Expansion?
No. As the name suggests, these are trinkets, memorabilia that one can collect along the journey to remind them of where we’ve come from. Smol Joes will always have shoe in our heart.
Speaking of shoe… shoe?
Yes. Shoe. A physical 1/1 shoe will be up for grabs… coming soon.
Will there be physical merch for Smol Joes?
Yes. Coming soon.
Will the Creep culture be forgotten?
Joking of course. We know Creeps have a special place in the hearts of many, and will be disappointed to give up the creep antics we all know and love. We can’t promise frequent creeping, but crypto has a way of creating many creepworthy events that fill our timeline. The occasional creep opportunity may arise that is simply too good to pass up on Twitter. So watch out for creep outbursts.
Additionally if any worthy figures make their ascent to the top of the headlines because of creep behavior, we may keep the dishonorary tradition alive and give away new dishonorary creeps (which will always be worth zero in true creep fashion)… or we may rug that idea entirely. You creeps should be fine with either outcomes anyways.