"Smol Joe Expressions" is a community-driven art campaign where everyone is encouraged to remix and reimagine a Smol Joe using a simple framework of recognizable shapes. This campaign aims to celebrate creativity and open participation within and beyond the Smol Joes community. Any and all community members can take ownership of this concept to put their own spin on the Smol Joes Expressions framework.
Wtf is Expressions?
Our brotherhood is not a single stagnant entity — we’re a collective of individuals, each with our own backgrounds, interests, and passions. Yet, we’ve all been brought together by a shared belief in the crypto space. A belief that we sit on the cusp of a huge revolution. This is what bonds us.
This is why we’re introducing a new campaign — "Smol Joe Expressions".
With Expressions, we’ve created a simple artistic framework inspired by Smol Joes which allows us to highlight our collective connection while still placing the spotlight on your individualism. No matter how you wish to express yourself through your rendition, the Smol Joe framework shows that your are STILL ONE OF US. Each remix adds a unique thread to the fabric of our community, affirming that no matter how diverse or eclectic your Smol Joe creation, it's still a part of this brotherhood.
However, Expressions can go even further. Not only can it serve as a canvas for yourself, it can be used to reflect any of the iconic, resonant fragments that shape our collective consciousness. You can make an Expressions that draws inspiration from pop culture, resonates with historic myths, or incorporates iconic art styles. These are the movements that led us to where we are today.
Smol Joe Expressions hopes to be more than another generic community art contest. We’re trying something new. Let’s craft a living, breathing art collection where everyone feels empowered as both a unique individual and as part of something much, much bigger.
So come, add your story, your pixel, your inspiration, your Smol Joe. After all, no matter who you are, you’re still one of us…
The Framework
In it’s simplest form, a Smol Joe’s face is simply a blocky hat and beard. Two shapes that are so distinct that no matter how you bring them to life artistically, the origin is clear.
Take this canvas and create whatever you wish. Take inspiration from an art style, a historical era, a pop culture phenomenon, or even reinvent yourself as a Smol Joe. No matter what you create, that famous beard and hat will let us know you’re STILL ONE OF US.
Assets + Guide
Check out this notion page to find assets to help with your creation. We also include a guide for using Figma Masks to easily create unique expressions.
Smol Joe Expressions Framework Assets
Art Grant
Introducing the Smol Joe Expressions Art Grant. This grant is an investment in the creative core of our community. We've been a melting pot of minds since Day 1, and it's high time we color the canvas with our collective abilities.
Your mission is simple yet profound. We're handing you the elemental pieces of a Smol Joe — the hat and beard — and you must use Expressions to add your touch, your soul, your essence.
This isn’t about acquiring hollow likes or retweets; it's about spreading art that represents us — our humble beginnings and the unlikely formation of a digital brotherhood. The fact that no matter your backgrounds, your dreams, or your inspirations, if you’ve got the beard, you’re still one of us.
Over the coming weeks, we will host three rounds of submissions, each with a different central theme. You DO NOT need to own a Smol Joe to participate. We want anyone and everyone to take ownership in the idea behind Expressions.
The Smol Joe holders will decide the winning pieces, and the top 3 Expressions will receive a share of a $1000 art grant in each round. More than just a prize, this is a recognition, an affirmation that your creativity is currency in this vibrant economy of ideas we currently find ourselves in.
Eligibility: Open to all, no Smol Joe necessary.
Framework: Your creation must feature the iconic Smol Joe hat and beard. Beyond that, you’re free to experiment and create however you see fit.
Medium: Any art medium is accepted as long as it adheres to the Smol Joe Expressions framework.
Submission: All submissions will be made in an open channel within the Joe Studios discord — Link to Discord
Community Voting: The Smol Joe holder community will vote on their favorite submissions.
Grants: Top-voted pieces will receive a $1000 art grant for each round
1st Place: $500, 2nd Place: $350 3rd Place:$150
Round 1: Self-Portrait
Focus on personal expression, showcasing your personality and or artistic individuality through the Smol Joe framework.
Round 2: Past Stories
Delve into culturally significant stories, legends, or historical events, and weave this into your unique Expressions creation.
Round 3: Wild Ideas
Push the boundaries of what a Smol Joe Expressions can be. We encourage you to experiment wildly, bending or even breaking the 'rules' of what a Smol Joe Expressions should be. Take us into unexplored territories of creativity.
Recognition: All submitted pieces have the chance to be featured on Smol Joe platforms, but only the top 3 will earn the grant.
Deadline: Each round will run for 2 weeks. All art submissions must be in by the announced deadlines for each week.
We realize the NFT space is in dire need of something fresh. Something to breath life back into our souls.
This could be that for our community.
I hope you choose to challenge yourself and create something. Whether it’s a museum worthy masterpiece or the work of a first-time artist, we want to see your creation.
Because you’re STILL ONE OF US…
Great idea. Love it. Have shared across my network.